What is Social Emotional Learning “SEL”?

Social Emotional Learning Is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to:

  • Develop Healthy Identities

  • Manage Emotions and Achieve Personal and Collective Goals

  • Feel and Show Empathy for Others

  • Establish and Maintain Supportive Relationships

  • And Make Responsible and Caring Decisions

CASEL 2020
Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning

How are Middletown Public Schools Supporting Social Emotional Learning through a Multi-Tiered System of Support  

Universal Tier I Strategies are supports that every child receives in the classroom. Every classroom in Middletown is teaching Social Emotional Learning! Teachers are embedding SEL into curriculum-based lessons.  

RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating emotions. RULER supports the entire school community in:

  • Understanding the Value of Emotions 

  • Building the Skills of Emotional Intelligence

  • Creating and Maintaining a Positive School Climate

All Middletown Schools PreK through 12 are implementing the RULER framework and curriculum to support students’ Social Emotional Learning! 

Students access Social Emotional Learning within the classroom in elementary schools, and also in PRIDE and Advisory classes at the secondary level. In addition to RULER, teachers are utilizing several additional evidence-based Social Emotional Learning curricula across all grade levels. 

Middletown teachers also embed Social Emotional Learning instructional strategies into their everyday teaching practices to ensure all students feel safe, connected, and supported in their learning environment. 

Middletown Social  Emotional Learning & Intervention (MSELI)

What is MSELI? 

Middletown Social Emotional Learning and Intervention "MSELI" reflects Targeted Tier II Strategies such as evidence-based social, emotional, and behavioral instructional practices matched to student needs. Interventions may include small group or individual Social Emotional Learning instruction with evidence-based curricula and an SEL Interventionist. Home Visitors and faith based community mentors are also a part of the MSELI team and may provide additional support to students and families as needed. 

All evidence-based interventions and curricula are aligned to the Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning 5 Social Emotional Learning Competencies. 

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Management

  • Social Awareness

  • Relationship Skills

  • Responsible Decision-Making

Students who need more Intensive Tier III Strategies may be referred to the school psychologist, school social worker, board certified behavior analyst, school-based health center clinician, and/or a community clinician for additional mental and behavioral health support services. 

How are Students Referred for MSELI Intervention Services? 

All elementary-aged through grade six students’ Social Emotional Learning competencies are assessed with a strengths-based Social Emotional Learning screener called the DESSA (Devereux Student Strengths Assessment). The DESSA helps identify students’ strengths across the 5 Social Emotional Learning competencies, as well as areas in need of targeted instruction. 

Wesley Elementary School, Snow Preschool, and Beman Middle School will be onboarding the DESSA screener in the fall of 2021. The DESSA is only one data indicator and tool used to identify students with Social Emotional Learning needs. Other data indicators include attendance, behavioral referrals, and teacher and parent concerns. 

Students are not referred to MSELI intervention services based on one data indicator alone. Social Emotional Tier I instruction and strategies are happening in all classrooms and support most students’ Social Emotional Learning needs. Most students will be well supported within their classrooms through whole class lessons and embedded Social Emotional Learning instruction. Further, all teachers are being supported with ongoing professional learning to support prioritizing safe, connected, healthy learning spaces for students especially during these pandemic times. 

How will I know if my Child needs MSELI Intervention Services?

If your child has been referred to MSELI Intervention Services, you will be contacted by your child’s classroom teacher (elementary) or school counselor (secondary). Parents are encouraged to participate in the MSELI team meeting process, as valuable team members within intervention planning and progress monitoring.

What do I do if I have concerns for my child’s Social Emotional Learning, Behavior, and/or Mental Health?

If you have concerns for your child’s Social Emotional Learning, behavior, or mental health, your first point of contact is your child’s classroom teacher (elementary) or school counselor (secondary). Sharing your concerns for your child’s Social Emotional Learning needs may not necessitate a referral to MSELI intervention. Tier I classroom and/or home interventions and support strategies may be offered as a first step level of support. 

How Can Parents Support Social Emotional Learning at Home?

If you have additional questions about how you can better support your child’s Social Emotional Learning at home, you are encouraged to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher (elementary), school counselor (secondary), or MSELI building coordinator. Supports and strategies may differ based on your child’s age and Social Emotional Learning competencies and needs. 

Additionally, you can contact Karen Lawson, Supervisor of SEL, Pupil Services, and Special Education, at lawsonk@mpsct.org.

Additional Social Emotional Learning Resources: